Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Birman Cat Personality & Temperament
Birman cats are very dependent on their owners and they are a very affectionate and loving breed. You can always count on your Birman cat being right by your side if they aren't already in your lap. These cats are very playful and curious. They are great with children and have no problem adapting to new environments and people. Aside from their striking looks, all of these traits make them a very desirable companion and house pet.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Feeding Your Cat
It's crucial that you have some kind of schedule for feeding time with your Birman cat. I know it may seem easy to just leave a huge bowl of food out so that they can eat whenever they want but that's probably the worst thing you could do. Many cats will eat even when they are not hungry and this can lead to cat obesity and cat obesity can lead to many more serious health issues and could possibly even be fatal.
Another important factor in feeding your cat is the kind of food you are buying. You don't want to buy the cheapest you can find considering many of these low end foods have tons of fillers in them and they are lacking in the nutrition department. It also depends on how old they are and if they have allergies. These are all things to keep in mind. I feed my senior cats food that is specifically targeted to their age. You shouldn't be feeding your senior cat kitten food or vice versa.
Learn how to read the labels on the cat food before purchasing it. If you can't figure out what to look for then do some research, speak with your vet or you can even make your own food, this way you know exactly what they are getting.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Cat Nip

At one time, I was skeptical of giving my cats Cat Nip but then I did some research and learned it's not bad for them at all! Plus, they really enjoy it every once in a while. There is something special about watching your senior cat play like a kitten again.
Cat Nip is a part of the mint family. It's a perennial herb that grows in the wilderness, you could even grow your own at home. There are a few different catnips out there so if you don't know which one to get, experiment with the ones from the store or buy some seeds and do it your self. The people at the pet store are always very helpful, they could steer you in the right direction.
You also don't have to worry about your cat overdosing, they actually have a sense of when enough is enough. Some cats prefer toys with catnip in it and some prefer the actual leaf that they can chew on, bruise and rub up against. Catnip gives them a high feeling that can either make them more lethargic or really hyper and playful. All cats are different, so maybe it won't even affect yours but you won't know until you try!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Flea Collars

There are a few things to take into consideration before putting any kind of collar on your cat, especially a flea collar. It is possible for your cat to have a bad reaction to the medication on the collar, be sure to check up on the area often while they are wearing it. It's always a good idea to talk to your vet before giving anything to your cat that could possiblly harm them.
There are many flea collars out there to choose from so reading the label and learning what is on them is the first most important step to buying one. There is a toxic nerve gas that is on the collar that soaks into your cats skin and also inhaled by your cat and the fleas. Using chemicals can be very dangerous to your cats health, in my experience they don't help a whole lot.
I would suggest using other methods such as Frontline, Advantage or others they have out there on the market that your vet can suggest. It's a safer and more healthy option for your cat that will get rid of the fleas much quicker.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mange in cats is a skin condition caused by non-burrowing and burrowing mites. This is not a fatal disease but it can make your cat extremely uncomfortable. The burrowing mites get into the skin and live there for their entire life span. Non-burrowing mites just live and feed on the cats skin. Either way this causes them to itch and cause raw irritable spots on the skin.
There are two different types of cat mange that can all types of cat breeds, the first one being Notoedric Mange which is also called Scabies is brought on by the burrowing mites. This is the kind of mange that will cause your cat to scratch until the hair is missing and the skin is very crusty. This can be passed on to humans as well so it needs to be taken care of right away.
The second kind of mange is also known as ear mites. These are the non-burrowing mites that feed on your cats skin scales. Inflammation and scratching of the ear are symptoms of this type of mange. It may lead to an ear infection which can turn into something more serious if not taken care of right away. One of the most important responsibilities of owning a cat is preventative cat care. Stay on top of things and pay close attention to your cat and nip it in the bud before it causes major health problems.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Flea Prevention

It's always a bummer when you first notice your cat itching like crazy and chewing at it's legs. That's when you know they have a flea problem. Your cat may even be allergic to the fleas and they could form hot spots. There is always a threat of a flea infestation every year which we all know as "flea season". Now just because your cats stay indoors doesn't mean they can't get fleas. They could come in on your shoes!
You can use spot treatments and sprays on your cat but when it comes to kittens, it's a different story. Using what you normally use on an adult cat could be very harmful to a small kitten. Bathing them in warm water is a great way to start. There are many people that use dawn dish soap to bath their kittens as it kills fleas on the spot. After doing so, you should comb your kitten with a flea comb to get rid of all the excess residue or fleas that have been left behind.
Just because you have treated your cats for fleas doesn't mean they have left the building. Treat your home and make sure that they don't come back in by using some form of flea prevention.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Training Your Kitten

Training a kitten should be pretty simple. The kitten training needs to begin as soon as possible so bad habits don't develop. First thing is showing them where there litter box is, a few times. They will use it but not if it's where they eat. It's up to you to put in the best spot. It also needs to be easily accesible for your kitten. You need to have a good quality litter in the box as well, preferably one that is highly scented.
When it comes to scolding your cat for bad behavior, physical punishment is a big no-no. My kitten training techniques have always been successful with out physical contact. You can use a very stern voice or a loud clap of the hands. I have also used a little water gun on my dogs before and it works on cats too. Cats don't like to get wet, well most of them anyway so this really gets the point across. Just one squirt, not in the face, should do the trick. You may have to do this repeatedly but trust me, it works.
Cat trees are a safe and fun way to keep your cat entertained. They can use them as a scratching post, instead of your furniture, and it's a good way to keep them active. It's always a good idea to have some kind of scratching post for your kittens as they love to shapren there claws and it's just something cats do.
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